The spring storms are on their way, and if there’s anything that could be learned from the record breaking natural events that occurred last year, it was that it’s very important to be prepared for their arrival.
Though there’s nothing that you can do to stop the storms, there are a few precautions that you can take to give you some peace of mind when the big storm strikes. As a reminder, Spring Severe Weather Awareness Week is running from March 25 to March 30, spreading the word about the importance of preparedness and taking action in advance to limit the impact that a storm has on your family, your home, and your finances.
Take this time to prepare your own family and home. Trip back the branches of trees and shrubs, create a fresh emergency kit (last year’s will be stale by now) and find a safe place for the family to take shelter if a very severe storm should strike.
Many states across the country have been hard hit by severe springtime weather over the last few years. This includes some states that hadn’t traditionally been affected by storms of that degree. This includes tornadoes, hurricanes, and other forms of wind, electrical, and precipitation-based storms.
The spring storms in 2011 brought in approximately 160,000 insurance claims, which is tremendously high when compared to the combination of Hurricane Katrina and all of 2004’s hurricanes in Florida, which reached 130,000.
When preparing for spring storms, take the time to go over your insurance coverage to make sure that you are adequately covered even if the worst disaster should occur. Review the full policy either on your own, or with an insurance agent or representative from your insurance company. This can help you to be certain that you won’t be left with financial catastrophe following any damages that your precautions could not prevent.