Permanent life Insurance

Definitions are important It is essential to understand the different types of life insurance available to you and their differences.  Permanent life insurance refers to a category of insurance policies that never expire. Typically permanent life insurance includes a savings component as part of the policy on top of the death benefit. Two main types of permanent life insurance are universal life insurance and whole life insurance.  Let’s dissect these to clearly understand the differences between them. Universal life insurance Universal life insurance falls under permanent life insurance in that…

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Ethos, the new Jay-Z insurance start-up, has raised $35 million

Jay-Z insurance - Pile of US Cash

The new company has just completed a round of financing which was much more successful than the first. Ethos is a new Jay-Z insurance start-up that has completed a new round of financing in which it managed to raise $35 million. This company has shown for a second time that it doesn’t struggle to bring in the capital it needs. This round of financing represents the second time it has managed to bring in millions. During the Jay-Z insurance start-up’s first round of financing, it raised $11.5 million. It managed…

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How to Insure Your Growing Family with Life Insurance

Life Insurance Awareness

You might not think of life insurance as a gift, but it is. In fact, it’s one of the best gifts you can give your new child. Why? If you suddenly die, your life insurance policy becomes wellspring of cash for your kid when he needs it most. However, there’s just one thing standing in your way: money. Life insurance isn’t free. Here’s how to afford it without breaking the bank. Blended Whole Life Blended whole life insurance is one way to provide permanent life insurance protection without spending a…

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The Most Common Term Life Insurance Riders

insurance benefits teacher

Life insurance is one of those things that everyone knows they should have but only a precious few of us take the time to go about getting. The immediate benefits of life insurance are obvious; it helps to protect our families and loved ones financially in case the unfortunate should happen, but what many people do not realize is that there are a number of riders that are either included in most insurance policies, or are cheap to add on that provide ample benefits. Below are four of the riders…

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Life insurance is being rediscovered as important to financial planning

New York Homeowners Insurance Rules

This shaky economy is encouraging consumers to take a second look at the coverage. For the last several years, the popularity of life insurance has been shrinking, reaching the lowest points that it has seen in decades, but with the state of the current economy, financial planners are beginning to turn their gaze back toward this coverage product and the security that it can offer. Though the policies should not be considered an investment, they do offer planning flexibility. To start, it should be understood that in the majority of…

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Who should buy life insurance?

Life Insurance

There is a great deal of information about these policies but consumers often wonder if it’s for them. With all of the information that is currently available about life insurance, and all of the various forms that can be purchased, it isn’t always easy to know if it will be something from which you will benefit. As with every type of product, it can be very beneficial to some people, and yet not to others. In terms of ensuring a family’s financial security, life insurance is typically considered to be…

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Do children need life insurance?

There is a serious debate underway regarding whether or not it is appropriate or necessary to buy life insurance policies for children, and if there is any benefit to the purchase. Those who would buy life coverage for their children do so because they feel that they are helpful financial tools that play an important role as a part of a larger savings and investment portfolio. However, others would say that for the majority of families, buying a life insurance policy for someone that young is typically wasteful, since it…

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