Federal Inquiry into Florida’s Homeowners Insurance Crisis: Causes and Solutions

Florida Insurance Crisis

How bad is Florida’s homeowners insurance crisis? The federal government wants to know. Lawmakers dove into that question to gain a greater understanding and explore the growing insurance problems across the country. But amidst the challenges, there are actionable solutions for homeowners. Many are feeling the brunt of rising insurance premiums, so much so that people are shying away from buying a home in Florida after learning that there’s no escaping the insurance problems. Weather disasters are becoming more and more prevalent, even in previously safe areas like Tallahassee. However,…

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Is your flood insurance ready for Atlantic Hurricane Season’s start tomorrow?

hurricane season 2024

The official beginning is June 1 and experts are predicting that it will be an active one With the start of Atlantic Hurricane Season tomorrow, preparedness experts are reminding consumers who have waited until the last minute about the importance of flood insurance. FEMA is among those urging property owners to buy coverage Hurricanes can cause damage from many different issues, ranging from high winds to flooding, but the latter requires additional flood insurance coverage as rising overland waters are not typically covered by a standard home policy. Many people…

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Allstate’s One Step Forward Two Steps Back in California Home Insurance Market

California home insurance - investigating

In a move that has sent waves across the California home insurance market, Allstate, one of the nation’s leading insurance providers, has hinted at a conditional return to the state’s insurance landscape. This announcement comes amidst a backdrop of increasing challenges faced by homeowners and insurance companies alike, primarily due to the escalating risks of wildfires and other natural catastrophes. How Allstate’s Conditional Return Could Reshape California’s Home Insurance Market Allstate’s potential policy changes signify a critical juncture for California’s home insurance market. The insurer’s reliance on catastrophic modeling to…

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Not Happy With Homeowners Insurance – How to Compare Quotes

Homeowners Insurance Discounts

If you’re looking for homeowners insurance, you have to shop around first. Getting the best deal and the best coverage both depend on comparison shopping. It’s easy, just as long as you know where to start. Go With What You Have As you begin looking for homeowners insurance, stick with what you know. Talk to the company that carries your car insurance first, to see if they have any viable options or recommendations. They might even offer bundling opportunities. If you rent your home, then the company carrying your renters…

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Hurricane Sandy slams East Coast

Hurricane Sandy Insurance News

Hurricane Sandy makes landfall and insurers scramble to mitigate impact Hurricane Sandy has hit  the East Coast of the U.S. after building in strength throughout the majority of the past week. U.S. Insurers have been working to prepare for the hurricane, which is expected to cause a significant amount of damage as it passes through densely populated cities in the northeastern region of the country. Claims teams and insurance adjusters have been mobilized to areas that are expected to see the most damage ahead of the storm in an attempt…

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