It is important to check to make sure the comprehensive coverage is adequate on a vintage vehicle. Though it may appear as though classic car insurance is pretty much the same thing as a regular vehicle policy, it is important for the owners of these automobiles to recognize that the typical comprehensive coverage may not be enough if disaster should strike. Specialty coverage can be very affordable and will be worth it in the event of an accident. Many agents are also advising owners to look into policies that are…
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Chubb Service Helps Protect Collector Cars from Fire and Other Storage Hazards
Collector car owners may find it challenging to safely store their vehicles. They can’t stow them away in a safe like jewelry or rare coins. But their collections are every bit as valuable, and often more so. Now, a new loss prevention service from the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies is helping collector car customers better safeguard their investments. To help identify potential hazards at collector car storage facilities, Chubb’s loss prevention specialists are using infrared thermography to scan walls for thermal anomalies that could indicate overheated electrical wiring, leaking…
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