Rate regulation decreases these rates by an additional $21 million. Should a pending ballot initiative pass, patients in California will receive the same level of protection against health insurance premiums that are deemed unfair as doctors are receiving through their business insurance. The Department of Insurance in the state has announced that it will also be using its prior approval rate regulation authority to decrease the premiums for medical malpractice insurance for the approximately 20,000 medical professionals who are covered by The Doctors Company. The decrease in rates should total…
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California health insurance rate regulation supporters ever closer to the ballot
Backers of the proposed measure want tightened control over rates. Those behind a proposed ballot measure that is designed to help to provide tightened regulation of California health insurance rates have submitted petition signatures numbering approximately 800,000. These backers are now feeling confident that they will qualify for the election on November 6. Throughout the weeks to come, the secretary of state and the county election offices will decide whether or not this measure will meet the requirements that state that there must be 504,760 valid registered voter signatures in…
Read MoreThe California health insurance industry from the perspective of the Insurance Commissioner
Dave Jones has been in office since early 2011 and has made healthcare reforms a top priority. From the time that Dave Jones became the state insurance commissioner, California health insurance reforms have been a primary priority, and this goal has continued with a ballot measure that he is now backing. The measure is the Insurance Rate Public Justification and Accountability Act. Should this measure pass, it will give him the authority to block increases to rates that he considers to be excessive. He explained that as this type of…
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