Insurance agents that want to succeed must focus on digital

insurance agents shouldnt ignore online customers

A recent J.D. Power survey showed that consumers want to shop and use services online

As auto premiums skyrocket and consumers increasingly shop for better prices than what their current insurance companies have to offer, digital channels are playing a vital role in the overall consumer experience, said a recent J.D. Power survey report.

People are turning to their laptops and phones for information

Beyond informing themselves, consumers also expect insurance agents to let them obtain quotes and serve themselves online. This has become a critical way of doing business in this industry.

The “2024 US Insurance Digital Experience Study” was published at the end of last month and showed that a large majority of the websites and apps for auto insurers are providing consumers and customers with the type of basic capabilities expected. That said, not nearly as many are offering value-added services that those consumers and customers would like to see and that let one insurer stand out from the rest, said the news release about the report.

Improving digital experiences from insurance agents could be a game changer

“When you consider the sharp declines in customer satisfaction we’ve been seeing across all aspects of the auto insurance industry during the past year,” began J.D. Power insurance business intelligence senior director Stephen Crewdson, “digital channels have been remarkably resilient when it comes to delivering a good user experience and helping to get customers and prospects the information they need.”

That said, it is clear that insurance companies have a long way to go before they truly meet the expectations of their customers when it comes to the website and app experience they provide, added Crewdson.  “Customer satisfaction plummets when users of digital channels need to pick up the phone and contact the call center if they can’t find what they need online.”

The same trend occurs in property and casualty (P&C)

According to the J.D. Power study, it isn’t just people shopping for auto coverage who want to be able to do so online, while also using a range of digital services from their chosen insurer. P&C customers also expert to be able to obtain quotes and conduct regular policy-servicing activities on websites and mobile apps.

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