Insurers have been cancelling coverage due to debris on shingling.
Though most homeowners have never really concentrated too hard on ensuring that their rooftops are spic and span, many might be changing their tunes as the number of homeowners insurance policies that have been cancelled as a result of roof dirt is rapidly growing.
The cleanline
ss of your roof could have a direct impact on your coverage.
Homeowners insurance companies are now saying that dirt, dark streaks, or green moss growing on the roof of a house may be more than just a nuisance. Some are going so far as to cancel policies because the rooftops are considered to be too dirty. Policyholders have been receiving letters from their insurers that have warned that their coverage could be cancelled if they don’t do something about the dirt on their roofs, even if they aren’t damaged or leaking.
Mold and algae stains on vinyl siding or on the roof are enough to instigate a letter.
The letters state that if nothing is done to correct the condition, such as the removal of the mildew, then the policy in its entirety could come to an end. This is generating a great deal of business for companies that clean roofs and siding, as customers find themselves in need of a fast and effective solution to the problem.
This homeowners insurance issue can usually be eliminated inexpensively.
For many people, roof stains go completely unnoticed until a letter arrives. It is at this point that they find that action needs to be taken. It is important to make sure that the correct action is chosen. For example, many people are mistaking the homeowners insurance letters for being requests to replace the roof. This is leading some people to unnecessarily spend $5,000 to $10,000 on a new roof when they could be spending $500 on a professional cleaning.
Often, when the roof, itself, is still in good condition, all that the homeowners insurance company requires is that a cleaning solution be applied and the roof and siding receive a good scrubbing, especially on the shady side of the building. Though do it yourselfers can clean their own roofs to protect their policies, this should be done extremely carefully, as this could result in serious injury.