Grease fires are becoming a huge problem according to State Farm Insurance, reporting fire claims doubling from previous year on one day in particular – Thanksgiving day.
The culprit is the ever growing popularity of turkey frying, instead of traditional baking methods, people are loving the fried turkey but hating the mess.
The U.S. fire department responds to over 1,000 fires each year in which a turkey fryer is involved and it’s not only property that’s getting destroyed – many are suffering from third degree burns and even death! Approximately 60 people suffered injuries and 5 died.
“One of the worst things that can happen with turkey frying is getting splattered with hot oil,” Eddie Bain, Investigation and Prevention Program Director at the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) explains. “It will cause burns that are worse than fire because frying oil sticks to you. It can burn an adult very badly, but a child could easily be covered from head to foot in oil splatter, resulting in potentially fatal burns.”
Some common reasons why things go wrong:
- Fryer pot has too much oil
- Dropping a heavy turkey in the fryer too fast
- Placing fryer too close to structures
- Unattended cooking
It’s not just your homeowners insurance you have to make sure is paid…don’t forget the car insurance for the day after! Black Friday, one of the busiest shopping days of the year, also has the highest probability of a parking lot accidents too. It’s an insurance adjuster’s nightmare with runaway carts, people dodging in and out of driver’s blind spots and emotions tend to run high during the holidays as well.
Here at Live Insurance – we wish you a safe Thanksgiving and keep an eye out for those flaming turkeys!