Tesla Insurance Hires Former Member of GEICO Management to Bridge the Gap

Tesla Insurance - Tesla Logo

Tesla, renowned for revolutionizing the automotive industry with its electric vehicles, ventured into uncharted territory back in 2019, where CEO, Elon Musk promised customers “vastly better” service compared to the competition. With the recent hire of Allen Laben, a seasoned executive from GEICO, Tesla aims to tackle the high insurance costs that have burdened its vehicle owners. But can a carmaker successfully navigate the complexities of the insurance industry, and what does this mean for consumers? The Challenge of Transitioning Industries Diving into the insurance sector represents a significant shift…

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Could home insurance companies justify canceling policies with drone footage?

Home insurance - Drone - Cancelled

Insurers in Florida are being accused of using aerial photos as evidence to cut people’s coverage Home insurance is already hard for many homeowners to find in Florida, as the state is currently suffering from a coverage crisis in that sector.  Now media reports are popping up stating that insurers are using aerial footage collected by drones to justify cancelling a property’s coverage or declining to renew it. Reports are appearing that policyholders are receiving warnings from insurers A recent WFTV report showed that some home insurance customers have obtained…

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